Saturday, February 21, 2009

Fara bukan nama sebenar

Many thanks to Fara (bukan nama sebenar) for allowing me to post her picture here :P.. She look great isn't she? it took for about 2 months transforming her to a new person.. macam transformer plaks..(baju I suh pakai baju same.. eheh) Observe her chin, cheek, neck and stomach..Semua start to reshape.. and her health condition is much better... "Dada I lapang senang nak nafas & pening2 dah kurang"... thats what she said... better not to tell too details here:)..

Like many of others, also starts to experience the benefits.. It would be great to share with everyone other ppl experiences.. but wait till I get their consent, baru I share... huhu..

Again!! Good job Fara!!

Sunday, February 8, 2009