Monday, January 26, 2009

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Herbalife ?

Herbalife works on simple science and it not a "magic diet". Essentially, Herbalife is a low calories food replacement diet with high nutrients. With the excess calories from modern day food intake, we typically also get less nutrients like protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals. Such imbalance leads to unwanted fats retention, and therefore an unhealthy diet.

The challenge is that to increase nutrients intake with normal food, we can't avoid an increased in calories intake too. The same goes for a deliberate decrease of food (calories) intake which leads to our body being deprived of nutrients. Basically, it's not easy to get an optimum nutrition.

Herbalife's Cellular Nutrition helps to address this issue. This double up as a weight management program that increases the deficiency (Nutritions) and reduces the excess (calories) automatically. The program helps you to lose weight without feeling hungry and tiredness.

So how exactly does Herbalife meal-replacement help one to loose weight and stay slim after getting off this diet program?

If you are serious in long-term weight loss, you need to maintain a lifestyle of healthy eating and exercising. Your weight is a fine balance between the energy you burn off (the amount of physical activity you do) and the energy you consume (the food you eat).

If your daily energy intake from food is the same as the calories your body needs each day, your weight will stay the same. In other words, your body will be in energy balance. So how to ensure that your daily calories intake is the same or lower than what your body needs each day?

Meal-replacement products like Herbalife works by keeping the metabolism high while cutting the calories. It's a complete nutritional meal which is easily digestible and absorb by your body, feeding it at the cellular level.

When your cells are healthy, your metabolism will improve and recover from prior effect of poor dieting. You'll not feel hungry and because it's also a very low calorie meal (only 90 to 180), your excess stored fats in your body will be burned and used as fuel instead.

Herbalife is about the way of life - and keeping weight off requires a lifestyle change. There is no weight-loss formula in the word that'll guarantee you staying slim IF you revert back to the old habits of poor diet and inactive lifestyle. However, unlike taking weigh-loss pills that artificially modify your intake of calories and never encourage lifestyle changes, being on a nutritional meal-replacement diet has many advantages.

Upon reaching your ideal weight with Herbalife, you should continue to condition your body and mind with the maintenance program so as to get use to the new weight for a period of time. During this conditioning period where you kick the old habits of poor dieting, your body cells also regenerated and be replaced by healthy new cells. The increased body's natural metabolism from an improved system will help you to maintain your weight even though you may be totally off the program eventually. From then on, ensure that you eat healthily, watch that energy balance and you'll be on your way to long-term weight-loss.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Obesity ?

People always have this old kind of mindset that fat ppl does always mean healthy or perhaps enjoy in life?? or even might think that their big-big belly is symbolic to a rich ppl. In fact they do not realize how much harm that the excess of fat can do to our own body. The sadest part is that they do not realize that that big-big belly invites lots of the bad guys... Bad guy? haha.. well talking about bad guy, there are many types of bad guy that I actually meant.
1st Bad guy that talk behind your backs.. haha... kutuk ar.. apa lagi... but this not a big prob aite? 2nd Cancer guy, cholesterol guy, diabeties guy.. etc.. this type of bad guy would definitely bring u much much trouble in ur life.....

I've heard about a very young man aged 32 who died of heart attack, and I have seen a 12 year-old girl weighing more than 80 kilos and suffers from diabetes. Health awareness is lacking in our society. haih it shouldn't be that way... Just think about it..

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Day 69

I'm so sorry to update a bit late on my weight progress... Being so busy here n there with my current job.. Now, I even being busy with trainings n seminars about herbalife. Guess what? I am now Supervisor in Herbalife :D.. Never thought to be it but I guess I should... help those that seriously wanted to lose their weight... Anyway, here is my new year weight records...

Initial body condition:
weight = 93.8kgs (ideal 68kgs)
water in body = 50.8% (for men ideal = 65%)
body fat = 30.7% (for men ideal = 14%)
body physique rating = 3
metabolic age = 51
visceral fat = 14

Day 69 (DOWN 10.3 Kgs)

weight =
water in body = 52.8%
body fat = 27.9%
body physique rating = 3
metabolic age = 45
visceral fat = 12

Monday, January 5, 2009

Good nutrition needs a mix of healthy nutritious foods with colourful fruits and vegetables, protein, good carbohydrates & good fats for taste.