Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Obesity ?

People always have this old kind of mindset that fat ppl does always mean healthy or perhaps enjoy in life?? or even might think that their big-big belly is symbolic to a rich ppl. In fact they do not realize how much harm that the excess of fat can do to our own body. The sadest part is that they do not realize that that big-big belly invites lots of the bad guys... Bad guy? haha.. well talking about bad guy, there are many types of bad guy that I actually meant.
1st Bad guy that talk behind your backs.. haha... kutuk ar.. apa lagi... but this not a big prob aite? 2nd Cancer guy, cholesterol guy, diabeties guy.. etc.. this type of bad guy would definitely bring u much much trouble in ur life.....

I've heard about a very young man aged 32 who died of heart attack, and I have seen a 12 year-old girl weighing more than 80 kilos and suffers from diabetes. Health awareness is lacking in our society. haih it shouldn't be that way... Just think about it..

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