Friday, December 5, 2008

Day 30

Time to update my progress after a month of the program.. Total weight lost = 6.1kilos, body fat reduce by 1.9%, % water in body increase by 1.4%... younger by 4 years of metabolic age.. :P.. visceral fat down to 13.. This is too good to be true.. :D... I will update my inches soon.. stay tuned..

Initial body condition:
weight = 93.8kgs (ideal 68kgs)
water in body = 50.8% (for men ideal = 65%)
body fat = 30.7% (for men ideal = 14%)
body physique rating = 3
metabolic age = 51
visceral fat = 14

Day 30...
weight = 87.7kgs
water in body = 52.2%
body fat = 28.8%
body physique rating = 3
metabolic age = 47
visceral fat = 13

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