Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Sharing is Caring.. :)

When some of you sms-ed me about your health problems (high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, etc.), it occurs to me that most of the diseases are caused by dietary problems - things we put into our mouths! If you ask me whether Herbalife can cure this 'penyakit' or not.. I will say, "Sorry, I cannot guarantee that, it does not meant to cure people".

Think about it this way, when you put healthy meal into your body (with optimum nutritions, less sugar, hardly any fat, less carbs and high protein), it just makes sense that your body will work at optimum level and brings out the best in you. Why Herbalife? I just love it b'coz it taste so good and easy to prepare. and the most important thing... it will bring you the best experience possible.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Day 19

See the difference? Mmmm..

Day 18

I've just got my new weight readings.. I am sooooooooo tremendously happy.. Total of 4.4 kilos are gone till today.. I never thought it was that easy. I am no more at 90 kilos range of weight and now younger by 2 years...

Initial body condition:
weight = 93.8kgs (ideal 68kgs)
water in body = 50.8% (for men ideal = 65%)
body fat = 30.7% (for men ideal = 14%)
body physique rating = 3
metabolic age = 51,

fat = 14

weight = 89.4kgs (ideal 68kgs)
water in body = 51.7% (for men ideal = 65%)
body fat = 29.4% (for men ideal = 14%)
body physique rating = 3,
metabolic age = 49
visceral fat = 13

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Noticed - It's one of the most amazing things!

I was having my meeting break yesterday (not Herbalife meeting k.. :P) standing still observing others busy munching their popia goreng, pau segera and some others sipping their Nescafe. I took my courage not to fall to it.

My boss looked at me realizing that I’m not eating the “snacks” and started to announce to everybody around. “Dia diet… darah manis (I’m engaged :P).. mana boleh makan banyak” , yeah… well honestly, I don’t feel the crave … I took it positively and responded calmly, “siapa seriously nak kurus bagitau saya”. It appears that one of them confronted me later….”muka you nampak kecik and muda.. macam mana?”and starts to ask HOW questions… Do you know what it feels?


One of the biggest mistakes you can make while trying to lose weight is skipping meals. When you skip a meal, your body "thinks" that you are starving. This is a built-in survival system that all of us have. When your body "thinks" that you are starving, it makes two changes to protect you from starving. First, it slows your metabolism causing your energy levels to drop. You slow down and your body burns less fat. Secondly, the meal you eat after you skip a meal will be converted almost entirely to fat and stored to protect you from starving. If you skip breakfast, almost all of what you eat for lunch is converted to fat. You think you’re taking in less food but in reality you’re causing your body to store more fat.


Come on! What's stopping you?.. If you're like most people, you probably have barriers of losing weight. These can keep you from making changes. Look at the picture below. Have you thought or said any of them yourself? Decide whether losing weight is more important than the things that are stopping you. If it is, i would suggest to break down your barriers and go for it! Things gonna be much better when you are healthy.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Why Lose Weight?

If you are carrying around extra weight, it may be a good idea to lose a few litle bit. Below are some of the benefits of losing some weight and getting healthier.

For Yourself

* Your clothes fit better
* You have more energy for the things you want to do
* Your body is stronger
* You feel better about yourself

For Your Health

If you are overweight, losing even a little weight can help you be healthier. The following health problems may be more likely if you are overweight:

* Joint problems
* Diabetes
* High blood pressure and heart disease
* Gallbladder disease
* Respiratory problems and of coz snoring

Which of them mean something to you? :|

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Important FACts!

1 plate of fried noodles contains approximately 800 calories
Averagely, Malaysians eat/consume 1000 calories for ONE meal
Herbalife Shake only contains approximately 200 calories
To lose 1 kilogram, our body needs to burn about 8000 calories
Women burn approximately 1800 calories daily
Men burn approximately 2200 calories daily

Day 9

I almost forgotten to update my body condition after 9 days of the programme.

My body condition: weight = 90.8kgs (ideal 68kgs), water in body = 51.0% (for men ideal = 65%), body fat = 30.3% (for men ideal = 14%) body physique rating = 3, metabolic age = 51, viceferal fat = 13.

WOW!! I have lost 3 Kilos. Notice that my body fat reduce by 0.4%. I am so happy. More than enough for me after 9 days.

Thanks to Herbalife. :)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

My Thought

The first thing to consider is whether you really need to lose weight. Is your weight affecting your health or are you just unhappy with the way you look? Most people are unhappy with the way their body looks, but if your health is at risk, you have no idea how grateful to take care of your own health at the first place.

I have been inspired by a friend that took a weight management programme for over 2 months and he successfully reduce his own weight about 20Kg!!! I am so jealous.. To be honest with u guys, I wish that I had follow his steps when he asked me to join in together. But ... nothing was too late.. I have just started the programme for about 14 days since 5th November 2008.. yay!

Anyways, for your information I found a way to see whether you really need to lose weight or not...

BMI = Weight (kg) / [Height (m) x Height (m)]

BMI Categories:

  • Underweight = <18.5
  • Normal weight = 18.5-24.9
  • Overweight = 25-29.9
  • Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater

Monday, November 17, 2008

Hello Everyone

Hello.. My name is Rizwan Abas and I'm overweight. I haven't always been a big guy, it kind of snuck up on me over the years (as I ignored it). When I graduated and joined EDS (working at odd hours), I weighed in at 72 kilos. Definitely I wasn't too skinny, but I never thought I'd could score till 90 mark, yet I did. I am now 26 year-old with 172cm height and 93.8 kilos which sounds good if you're built like a muscleman, but I'm not. I'm built like a guy who sits at a desk for 8 hours a day and doesn't do much physically when I get home. I just feel worse about myself.. All that is going to change.

My body condition: weight = 93.8kgs (ideal 68kgs), water in body = 50.8% (for men ideal = 65%), body fat = 30.7% (for men ideal = 14%) body physique rating = 3, metabolic age = 51, viceferal fat = 14.

I just think it's a great idea to share this experience with others and maybe it will help to motivate everyone.


I am not a health expert, heck I'm not an expert in anything for that matter. The information I share on this site is my own opinion based on my own experiences. If you want professional advice, please consult your physician.