Saturday, November 22, 2008

Noticed - It's one of the most amazing things!

I was having my meeting break yesterday (not Herbalife meeting k.. :P) standing still observing others busy munching their popia goreng, pau segera and some others sipping their Nescafe. I took my courage not to fall to it.

My boss looked at me realizing that I’m not eating the “snacks” and started to announce to everybody around. “Dia diet… darah manis (I’m engaged :P).. mana boleh makan banyak” , yeah… well honestly, I don’t feel the crave … I took it positively and responded calmly, “siapa seriously nak kurus bagitau saya”. It appears that one of them confronted me later….”muka you nampak kecik and muda.. macam mana?”and starts to ask HOW questions… Do you know what it feels?

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