Sunday, November 23, 2008

Day 18

I've just got my new weight readings.. I am sooooooooo tremendously happy.. Total of 4.4 kilos are gone till today.. I never thought it was that easy. I am no more at 90 kilos range of weight and now younger by 2 years...

Initial body condition:
weight = 93.8kgs (ideal 68kgs)
water in body = 50.8% (for men ideal = 65%)
body fat = 30.7% (for men ideal = 14%)
body physique rating = 3
metabolic age = 51,

fat = 14

weight = 89.4kgs (ideal 68kgs)
water in body = 51.7% (for men ideal = 65%)
body fat = 29.4% (for men ideal = 14%)
body physique rating = 3,
metabolic age = 49
visceral fat = 13

1 comment:

FIST said...

Jgn lupa exercise sekali